Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Ride

"Nature always takes her time. Great oaks don't become great overnight. They also lose a lot of leaves, branches and bark in the process of becoming great."— Andrew Matthews

In our age of immediate gratification we tend to expect the same from ourselves. We must be able to do it now, learn it fast, do it quicker...

What a shame we forget the joy of living now. The process of achieving our goals can be just as rewarding as when/if we get there. Living in the now brings us a sense of peace and innate satisfaction. Always focusing on what is coming can cause us to miss out on the joys of today.

Take a moment to do something we've all heard about. Stop, take a breath and count your blessings. Life can be tough no doubt, things can look bleak but you have places to take joy from. It might just be that you have a warm place to sleep and food in your stomach or that you have friends you can count on or great kids.

Life throws us curveballs but if you learn from them you will be a stronger person. You're life is actually richer for those hard times.

Don't let the joy you have get overshadowed by any difficulties. Remember, there are bumps in every road..but you can still enjoy the ride.

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