Friday, November 20, 2009

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction
This is an idea that has been around for a very long time. Simply put you attract that which you most think, talk about and surround yourself with.
Some believe that as we are made of energy, so are our thoughts (or brain waves).
When you concern yourself with worrying about negative things you actually are attracting more negatives into your life.
I suppose then we must assume that the opposite must be true.
If you focus on the good and positive things in your life you will attract more of these same good and positive things.
Can this always be true?
Of course we are wondering why bad things happen to good people right?
The Law of Attraction like many other things is not a hard fast rule, but a way of thinking about how you can progress through life. Of course there are other influences; even a strong magnet can be made to let go of the metal its stuck to. So the law of attraction cannot overcome all other things in the universe.
Sometimes known as the power of positive thinking, I've seen this Law of Attraction work.
Shifting your thinking, having faith in all makes a difference in how your life will play out.
In my teaching practice I've often seen something teachers call a 'self-fulfilling-prophecy'.
Its the same principle. If you tell a child he is smart, capable and wonderful and give them faith in that, they will show you they are. Will they make mistakes, have tantrums and occasionally do crazy things? Of course..they are kids after all! But it won't be their normal behaviour and they can have remorse. Sadly the inverse is too often what we really see.
How does it work?
Talk about your desires, blessing and joys. Open up and put them out there. Talk like its already a given. Be excited and eager for the things you are going after in life. There is joy in simply experiencing the ideas!
Believe that you are worthy. So many of us worry we might be perceived as 'bad' if we think we deserve something. This is different from arrogance. This is not the person who thinks they are so beyond wonderful everyone should swoon when they enter the room. This is the quiet confidence that you are a good person who deserves love and to obtain goals. That may mean accepting help, gifts and advice. Learning to accept all of these graciously is a skill worth learning. On the other side of this coin many of us wait for the 'other shoe to drop' if we are feeling too happy. What a waste! You've got happiness and joy and your spending it as if something bad has happened. If an issue comes with it then. There are always ups and down but you need to find the pleasure in the ups and allow yourself to experience that fully.
Be grateful. This may sound rather obvious but it's important to remember to be grateful for what you already have, what you may have and what you can do for others.
Offer to help others. Especially those who are connected to your desires. The natural flow of energy in the universe means you must give of yourself to receive.
Listen to the inner voice you have. If its telling you negative things, you need to learn to tune it out and shift it to a positive voice. It can happen.
A coach can help you if you need support.
You can create your own destiny..make it a great one!

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