What is the number one complaint I hear from people in both my teaching practice and my coaching practice?
Well that is an easy question to answer. Simply put most people feel they just don't have enough TIME to get everything done they want to. Is this the real problem? No, not usually.
More often then not the problem really lies in a lack of planning and managing the time you do have effectively. We all have busy lives, important things we need to get done, people we love and want to spend time with and a myriad of little nigglely things that take up time. How then can we change this pattern? No one wants to feel like they are running after themselves all the time.
First, we need to know what we want. Sounds simple doesn't? Truth is most of us go through our day doing this and that and not really thinking about it. By knowing exactly what the goal is we can much more effectively get there. Now this doesn't mean you need to write down a complicated plan for every little thing..please don't think that. It also doesn't mean you ought to have a minute by minute agenda. Some people thrive with that kind of detailed planning, but most lose interest quickly and end up drifting away from such a regimented plan.
Setting goals for your day is important. Knowing what needs to be done and organizing a day that allows that. You need to make it on time to your dentist, you don't need to check out the new shoes in the store. However, the wants are important too. How to combine these? Is there a route you can take to wander by this wonderful shoe store? Understanding need vs want can make a huge difference in feeling overwhelmed and rushed.
Take a moment, write down your needs and wants on a page with two columns. What do you notice? However, that being said..please don't think you don't need to once in a while cover some wants. Otherwise your life will not be as satisfying. Believe it or not..you NEED to have fun too!